Highlights and Activities for weeks 37 & 38

International Meetings

  1. BEREC evaluation – Expert Working Group Meeting: The Chief of External Relation attended this meeting during which a draft report drawn up for the Commission was evaluated and discussed. This report evaluates the BEREC performance to date.
  2. Submarine Network World 2012: One of our technical specialists participated in this conference on behalf of Government. Brochures and other conference material was produced and distributed during this event to promote Malta as an ideal investment destination. Dedicated to the global submarine cable industry, this conference featured top management from the largest and most reputable organisations from all around the world. The conference  aimed at providing insightful knowledge on the latest developments and business models in the global telecommunications infrastructure and first-hand information on cable networks project updates and focused in particular on:
  • Opportunities for growth in the submarine networks industry
  • Best business practices
  • Technologies in connectivity
  • Cable protection and optimisation
  • Bandwidth demand drivers
  • Updates on new cable projects globally
  • Offshore communications

(See: http://www.terrapinn.com/conference/submarine-networks-world/index.stm)

  1. WG PRS Bilateral Meeting: As part of the Galileo initiatives, the MCA, represented by the Chief Information Officer,  held meetings with the Norwegian Space Agency on a possible collaboration initiative on the Galileo programme - Europe's initiative for a state-of-the-art global navigation satellite system. This collaboration initiative will initially focus on knowledge technology transfer involving industry research and academia. (See http://www.spacecentre.no/english/
  2. Telecoms Council Working Party: This meeting was attended by the Chief of External Relations during which a representative from the Commission gave a presentation on two public consultations it issued of late. One consultation addresses specific aspects of transparency, traffic management and switching in an open Internet whilst the second is seeking views on how network and information security can be improved in the EU. In addition a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and a proposal for a Council Decision establishing the EU position for the review of the International Telecommunications Regulations to be taken at the World Conference on International Telecommunications were also discussed. 
MCA Publications
  1. Consultation on Estimating the Cost of Capital: This consultation and proposed decision revisits the parameters making up the cost of capital calculation and seeks the views of interested parties on a number of specific aspects related to the MCA's proposed methodology and approach. Submissions in response to this consultation will be received until 12.00hrs on 12th October 2012. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/consultation-and-proposed-decision-estimating-cost-capital-mcac12-1306
  2. Data Report Sheet (DRS) Q1 2009 – Q2 2012: This report sheet serves to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta concerning electronic communications and post. The report sheet lists a number of indicators, with data presented on a quarterly basis.  The current DRS publication presents some changes from previous publications as it now includes the average revenue per user ('ARPU') for fixed broadband and Pay TV. In addition, the reporting of data concerning the number of fixed broadband subscriptions by speed is being presented under new speed categories, whilst postal mail volumes have been reclassified by type of mail item. This report sheet includes data collected up until 14th September 2012.  (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/key-market-indicators-electronic-communications-and-post-q1-2009-q2-2012
  3. ICT usage amongst minors survey results: The MCA published the results obtained following a survey carried out amongst students attending primary school years 4 to 6 and secondary schools forms 1 to 4 and their respective parents/carers to gauge ICT access, use and usage intensity. This research shed light into the level of use of ICT by minors, especially the Internet; identified the perceptions and attitudes of minors and their parents on various safety issues; and also gauged the level of awareness amongst parents and minors on the BeSmartOnline! project. (See: http://www.mca.org.mt/article/use-ict-minors-2012
  1. 2nd BeSmartOnline Advisory Board Meeting: This meeting served to disseminate the results of the recent research commissioned by the MCA entitled ‘Use of ICT by Minors’ (available at http://www.mca.org.mt/article/use-ict-minors-2012) with representatives from members of the project consortium and other stakeholders who have been identified as strategic partners. The strategic partners include; the Directorate for Educational Services, the Malta Police Force, the Secretariat for Educational Services, the Independent Schools Association and the University of Malta. During this meeting the Advisory Board also welcomed a new member, Aġenzija Żgħazagħ. Following the presentation of the survey results, the board discussed specific awareness raising initiatives that will be undertaken as part of the project throughout the coming months. 

Litigation and other legal updates

Our legal representatives participated in two sittings before the Administrative review Tribunal involving DHL and GPL respectively. These cases have since been adjourned due to the following. 
  1. In the case of DHL - for the issue of decree by the Tribunal relating to the objection by DHL to a document presented by MCA; and 
  2. In the case of GPL - for a tribunal decree further to the request of MCA asking for a reversal of the Communications Appeals Board which suspended the applicability of the MCA decision being contested.


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