Highlights and Activities for Weeks 13 & 14


International Activities

1.    Global Submarine Cable Forum: The MCA attended the 2nd annual ‘Global Submarine Cable Forum’ held in London. The event was presented by leading companies within the telecoms industry and focused on understanding the importance of data centres for submarine cable networks, identification of the impact of cloud computing on submarine networks, the importance of capacity planning, the challenges faced by natural disasters and the importance of protecting cables from external threats.

2.    Insafe Training: An MCA representative attended the Insafe Training Meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Insafe is the European network for Safer Internet Centres (www.saferinternet.org). This meeting was a good opportunity for Insafe to share and evaluate the successes of Safer Internet Day (SID) 2012. Following this, a brief discussion ensued with regards to the theme of SID 2013 which shall be the 10th year anniversary from the 1st SID events organized in Europe. The most popular theme suggested dealt with online reputation however this is to be developed further by a working group. The Maltese representative then facilitated a discussion focusing on what the key messages to give to children should be, what dissemination strategies should be adopted and what resources are required for successful communication.

3.    ERGP common cost allocation sub-group meeting: The MCA attended a workshop organized by the ERGP sub-group on regulatory accounting held at ARCEP premises on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 March. In the first part, the workshop focused on preparing a common position on the consultation responses received on a consultation paper issued by ERGP on the subject of common cost allocation. The meeting then proceeded with presentations on recent developments on cost allocation in the UK and in Greece.

4.    BEREC Phase II Expert Working Group: The MCA is taking part as one of the members in the BEREC Expert Working Group established to provide an Opinion on the Phase II case opened by the EU Commission on the Latvian case on the wholesale mobile termination markets in Latvia.


  1. Internet Governance Forum:  The MCA held its third Internet Governance Forum. This national multi-stakeholder forum provides an opportunity for the industry, government, academia and civil society to discuss key issues associated with the Internet and Internet Governance. The event focused on ACTA and other Internet rules that could shape the way the Internet is evolving. The guest speaker was Professor Reinhard Posch from Austria, who is a member of many professional societies one of the world’s leading authorities on e-Government and electronic systems. Professor Posch explained the details of the treaty and the implications of IPR infringement.
  2. Get Online Week: As part of the ‘Get Online Week’ activities – an initiative of the Telecentre-Europe AISBL, the MCA organised an exhibition stand in Valletta between Saturday 24th and Wednesday 28th March. A number of computers were made available for use by the public who also had the opportunity to discuss any difficulties they were encountering with qualified tutors who were also present during the event. The aim of activities such as these is to encourage more people to get online and start using the Internet, particularly those individuals over 45 years’ of age. The Authority is pleased to note that, following these activities, approximately 200 individuals aged 45 years and over applied to attend training in ICT.


  1. MCA Decision on assignment of spectrum in the 3400 – 3800 MHz band: This decision sets out the Authority’s position with regard to the assignment of frequencies in the 3400 – 3800 MHz band and outlines the process that will be used when awarding rights of use of spectrum.  (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/mca-decision-assignment-spectrum-3400-%E2%80%93-3800-mhz-band-mcad12-0754)
  2. Interim Review of Wholesale Mobile Termination Rate - Consultation and Proposed Decision: By means of this consultation, the MCA is proposing a wholesale mobile termination rate of €0.0245, representing a decrease of 41% from the current rate of €0.0418.  The rate shall be applicable to all mobile operators having been designated with an SMP status in the provision of mobile termination services market. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments by no later than 12.00hrs on 30th April 2012. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/interim-review-wholesale-mobile-termination-rate-consultation-and-proposed-decision)

News updates

1.    Roaming tariffs set to be reduced further as from 1st July: After nine months of intense negotiations, the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement to reform the current Roaming Regulation.  The deal is expected to take effect on the 1st July 2012.  Under the new deal, as from 1st July 2012 there will be further reductions in the “Euro-Tariff” price caps that mobile operators will be allowed to charge their customers who use mobile services whilst travelling in the EU.  More significant however, for the first time, price caps will also be introduced on EU data roaming charges for those customers using mobile internet based services whilst abroad. The MCA participated fully in discussions at an EU level in this regard. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/roaming-tariffs-due-fall-further-1st-july-2012 for further information)

2.    Tender for the provision of advertising, public relations and other communications services to the MCA: This tender came to a close on Thursday, 5th April 2012, following which, 5 tenders were received. The MCA will commence evaluation of the said tenders in the coming weeks.


  1. The Local Council of Lija lawsuit relating to the request by Lija residents to remove an antenna base station was heard before the First Hall of the Civil Court.  During this sitting, MCA witnesses gave their evidence. The case has now being adjourned for the presentation of Melita plc’s evidence, as the lawsuit is also against Melita plc and against the owners of the premises where the said antenna is installed. The Court also appointed an architect to examine to what extent, if at all, the height of the antenna can be increased.
  2. The Communications Appeals Board heard evidence produced by Global Parcels Limited in relation to their contestation of the MCA decision which requires that operator to apply for an individual licence to provide postal services.
  3. The MCA also presented its reply to a new appeal by Melita Plc contesting an MCA regulatory decision on retail fixed access to telephone services issued last February.


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