The Effective Enforcement of Competition Law in the Communications Sector
Providing for concurrent Ex Post PowersConsultation Paper 5th April 2007
Published On 09/04/2007 Consultation MCA-C-53Internet and eCommerce Use by Consumers - April 2007
The MCA carried out its second eCommerce survey with the aim of assessing the extent to which the public at large is making use of the internet and eCommerce and to gauge the sector's potential f
Published On 07/04/2007 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage StudyEU Commission's Public Consultation on the Identification of services of social value in Europe
Public Consultation on the Identification of services of social value in Europe that could benefit from single European freephone numbers starting with 116.
Published On 03/04/2007 Consultation MCA-C-54Statement of Proposed Decision on Wholesale Line Rental
This proposed Decision deals with the implementation of a first version WLR solution.
Published On 08/03/2007 Consultation MCA-C-559th Communications Market Review Report April - September 2006
This report provides a general overview of the industry's performance during the six months ending 30 September 2006, including an analysis of the main trends and developments in the various sector
Published On 21/02/2007 Market ReviewRequest for Further Modifications to Rollout Obligations - Consultation
Request for Further Modifications to Rollout Obligations tied to the Development and Implementation of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Networks in the 3.5GHz Band in Malta.
Published On 26/01/2007 Consultation MCA-C-56Consultations currently underway
The following is a list of current consultation papers and respective deadlines.
Published On 23/01/2007 Consultation MCA-C-57Review of Maltacom pls Reference Interconnection Offer - Consultation
In this consultation, the MCA proposes a number of amendments to specific clauses of the RIO, revisions to the various timelines set out in the RIO as well as revisions to the forecasting process i
Published On 19/01/2007 Consultation MCA-C-58Wholesale Broadcasting Transmission Services - Consultation
This document summarises the findings of the market review regarding the Wholesale broadcasting transmission services market.
Published On 29/12/2006 Consultation MCA-C-59Number Portability - Statement of Decision on Winback during and after the porting process.
The scope of this statement of decision is to clarify the decision on ‘WinBack’ and will establish the mean
Published On 28/12/2006 Decision MCA-D-46