
Statement of Preliminary Decision: Maltacom - Reference Unbundling Offer (RUO)

This preliminary decision briefly describes the MCA's initial assessment of Maltacom's RUO.

Published On 02/08/2005 Decision MCA-D-64

Electronic Communications Market Review October 2004 to March 2005

The report provides an overview of the trends in the local mobile and fixed telephony services, Internet and Cable Television markets.

Published On 27/07/2005 Market Review

Current Cost Accounting Methodologies for the Electronic Communications Sector.

This paper examines the various issues that are relevant to a transition from a historic cost base to a current cost base for regulatory accounting purposes.

Published On 13/07/2005 Consultation MCA-C-83

Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks

Identification and Analysis of markets, determination of market power and setting of SMP conditions. 

Published On 04/07/2005 Consultation MCA-C-84

Measuring Authorised Operator Quality of Service Performance

The scope of the document is to seek the view of intrested parties and service providers

Published On 10/06/2005 Decision MCA-D-65

IPv6 Consultation Paper

This consultation paper aims to increase awareness of Internet Protocol version 6, IPv6, in Malta.

Published On 10/06/2005 Consultation MCA-C-85

Maltapost plc - Quality of Service Requirements

The Malta Communications Authority publishes its Decision on the Quality of Service requirements

Published On 08/06/2005 Decision MCA-D-66

Introducing Number Portability - Report on Consultation and Decision. March 2005 (updated March '10)

This Decision follows the Consultation paper that was issued in October 2003 with regards to the Introduction of Number Portability in Malta.

Published On 31/03/2005 Decision MCA-D-67

MCA Annual Plan - 2005

This document represents the Malta Communications Authority's (MCA) Annual Plan for 2005.

Published On 11/03/2005 Annual Plan

Dispute Resolution Procedures in relation to disputes between Undertakings

This Consultation paper proposes new mechanisms that will facilitate the effective resolution of disputes between electronic communications service providers. 

Published On 24/02/2005 Consultation MCA-C-86

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