Consumer complaints rise by 11% in the last 6 months of 2017

During the last six months of 2017 the MCA registered an increase in complaints from subscribers of telephony, internet, television and postal services. An in-depth analysis about such complaints and enquiries is documented in a report, recently published by the MCA. 

Between July and December 2017 the MCA received a total of 113 complaints, of which 47 were received from GO subscribers, 42 from Melita subscribers, 11 from Vodafone subscribers, 9 from MaltaPost customers, and 4 others which were not related to a regulated service.  99% of these complaints were closed within 20 working days.  During this period the MCA also received 238 requests for information.

Half of the complaints received related to Quality of Service issues with faults being the most common type of complaint received - a total of 26 cases reported, and followed by issues related to internet performance. The complaints related to faults, were closely monitored by the MCA to ensure that appropriate actions were undertaken by the service providers to repair the faults at the earliest time possible. With respect to complaints related to internet performance, the MCA received 12 complaints. In some cases, the Authority had to intervene directly as the internet speeds attained by the consumers did not coincide with their contractual agreement.  In other instances the MCA had to guide the consumers on how to maximise their internet user experience.

The second most common type of complaint received was related to billing issues, namely incorrect billing, with a total of 22 complaints reported to the MCA. Following the necessary investigations, in 10 of these cases the MCA determined that the service providers were required to take necessary remedial action to address the issues reported.

The MCA also received 9 complaints related to postal services, which cases were brought to the attention of the service provider so that it could further investigate the matters raised and address any ensuing issues accordingly.

The report is accessible via the following link.

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