Strategic Objectives

These are dynamic times and society is in a continued state of technology-led transition. As the Independent Statutory Authority for telecommunications and postal industry, the MCA continues to draw on the Government Agenda to place Malta as a front-runner in the adoption of digital technologies and proactive strategies.

The MCA's strategic objectives are stated below:

Electronic Communications
 -   Promoting and safeguarding competition in the electronic communications sector. 
 -   Ensuring that electronic communications undertakings provide a transparent, value-for-money service to users whilst adhering to incumbent social obligations.
 -   Contributing to the development and implementation of electronic communications regulatory policy. 

 -   Facilitating the development and uptake of eCommerce and other online services.
 -   Supervising the provision of electronic signatures and trust services. 

Postal Services
 -   Safeguarding sustainable competition in the Postal Sector.

 -   Ensuring that postal undertakings provide a transparent, value-for-money service to users whilst adhering to incumbent social obligations.

 -    Contributing to the development and implementation of Postal regulatory policy. 

Information Society
 -    Achieving widespread e-literacy and digital inclusion.  

Business Development and Innovation
 -   Promoting and facilitating business development and  innovation in the sectors under the MCA’s purview.

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