Information Management and Development Unit

The Information Management and Development Unit is largely responsible for the planning and effective management of information management and systems, human resource management, procurement procedures, travel and general administrative functions. This unit is also responsible for the information society services arm of the Authority, which focuses primarily on implementing strategies and initiatives aimed at minimising the digital divide and proliferating the use of information and communications technologies amongst private citizens and businesses. It also develops and implements the MCA’s regulatory structures and functions in relation to eCommerce, eSignatures and data protection in the electronic communications sector.

At the end of year 2014, the MCA embarked on detailed technical, economical, and financial feasibility study for a new submarine cable connecting Malta to other alternative locations with the objective of enhancing the resilience and quality of the current international electronic communications connectivity. The aim of the study is to identify the best strategies for deployment and compare the various models and recommendations for the optimal technical, commercial and financial solution. The study is being financed by Technical Assistance funds from the European Regional Development Cohesion Fund. By means of this study, the Authority will ensure that Malta’s connectivity is efficient and competitive, offering the best services at the best price, thus contributing to improve the country’s competitiveness.